Delicious food, a good glass of wine. Prosito!
Togetherness, cosiness, good conversations.
The table set, the dish ready, enjoy your lovely meal.
Till JENs next recipe at JENs KookFun🍯.
There are so many delicious things coming up.
You can read JENs new recipe online two-weekly.
Have a lot of cooking fun. Love, JENs🥰.

◻Sunflower oil
◻Unpeeled large shrimps 500 gr.
◻︎Kn garlic 4 tntjs.
◻Ginger fresh (10 cm)
◻Cayenne pepper 1.5 tsp.
◻Yoghurt (large mug)
◻Chives (4 blades)
◻︎Honey 1 tbsp.
◻︎Garlic 2 tbsp.
◻︎Peeling knife
◻︎Spoon (with holes)
◻︎Kitchen paper
◻Container (sauce)
◻︎Big bowl
The Sauce
◻Chop the chives into small pieces. And put it in a bowl.
◻Chop the garlic finely.
Add: ◻︎yoghurt ◻︎honey ◻︎garlic (2 tntjs.) to the chives.
◻Mix well.◻︎Leave the sauce covered.
The prawns (fresh or defrosted)
◻︎Take the unpeeled frozen shrimp out of the freezer.
◻︎Let the unpeeled shrimp thaw.
◻Wash the shrimp ◻︎ dry them with a tea towel or kitchen paper.
◻︎Place the prawns in a bowl◻︎Pick the ginger and chop it finely.
Add to the prawns:
◻︎garlic (2 tntjs) ◻︎ginger ◻︎cayenne pepper ◻︎sea salt.
◻Mix everything well. Leave it to stand for about 20 minutes.
The preparation
◻︎Paper the oil in a colander. To catch the oil after frying.
◻︎Heat enough oil in the wajang (the shrimp sufficiently covered).
◻Fry the shrimp until done (about 4-5 minutes).
◻Scoop the prawns out of the oil with the scoop.
◻Let them drain on kitchen paper in the colander.
Serving warm makes the shrimp taste best.
Dressing:◻︎Place the bowl of sauce in the middle of a dish.
◻Spread the warm shrimps around the bowl of sauce.
The dish ready. Enjoy your happy meal!

Do you have any fun food tips or suggestions?👍 Welcome!
Sent a message to JENs.
JENs may be busy cooking or testing her recipes.
She aims to answer you within 48 hours.
JENs KookFun🍯 for young and old.
