Spring has arrived. And everyone is happily working outside on their garden.
Nature likes to take its natural course and that is why the grass grows fast.
In our village it is a maintenance obligation to keep your garden tidy.
There is nothing wrong with that! It also has its charms.
As an Early Birdy, Hans gets up early.
You can find him early in the morning in the (vegetable) gardens.
Good preparation to make the vegetable garden 'vegetable-ready' requires patience and love. Rome was not built in 1 day. And sometimes the seeds or plants do not take root.
The soil structure of the garden is completely different from what we are used to in the Netherlands, so patience in researching and testing. In the end 'love' will win.
Learned young, done old. Gardening was instilled in Hans from a young age. And I am learning something new from him. I know a lot about food, the ingredients, the preparation, but not
the ins and outs of a vegetable garden. Everyone has their own hobby.
I partly share Hans' interest in the vegetable garden. He is a vegetable garden freak, I am not.
Cause of his knowledge and love for the vegetable garden, Hans nickname is Versliefde. If you have vegetable garden questions, send a PM, he will answer them with fresh love.